This Honda Pilot belongs to the owner of a business in Tempe AZ. They have a few company trucks and used to maintain their company trucks like this:
1. Send an employee with the truck to a lube shop, which meant down-time for the vehicle and no productivity from the employee.
2. Pay the price of the oil change PLUS the employee's wages while he sits there waiting.
Now they have us do all the maintenance right at their company location. This means:
1. Much less vehicle down-time.
2. The employees continue working on what they should be working on.
2. About the same price for the service.
3. No paying an employee to go
sit at a lube shop!
Oh, and while we're there we do the owner's Honda and one or two of the employee's personal cars, so they don't have to go get it done on the weekend.
Makes a lot more sense,
doesn't it?
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